Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (AKA: IT'S FINALLY DONE!!!)


2022-06-22 09:25



2022-06-22 09:40

I actually finished this MONTHS ago, but ADHD + anxiety brain was not cooperating, so it's taken me until today to finally, finally submit it. Even though it took me awhile, I'm still proud of myself, because this is my third attempt at DaB, though the first attempt while diagnosed and medicated! AND I ACTUALLY SUBMITTED SOMETHING! Woo!

Anyway, here's a few notes about me and learning style, to whoever would most graciously give me feedback:

  • I don't get technical explanations. Despite trying really hard to understand Uncomfortable's explanations, they just flew over my head. So I tried to supplement my understanding with follow along videos by students. I learn better by doing and seeing.

  • I have dyscalculia. I can only do basic math, confuse left and right, struggle to read analog clocks, the whole shebang. Like, it took me ages to finally wrap my head around what 'parallel lines' are, and only because Uncomfortable kept on using it and I was like "I really need to understand this otherwise I am fcked". But I think I got it now? I can't explain it to you to save my life lmao but I *think* I finally get it.

  • I have ADHD. What would really help me take in the feedback is have a TLDR; version or have it written in dot points. That is, if the feedback is extensive, but if it's brief no need for the accomodations :)!!

Now, to whoever is going to give me feedback (that is, if i do manage to get any, fingers crossed!!), THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! May someone smile at you tomorrow and may you witness something that warms your heart xoxo


2022-06-22 13:13

You might need to try posting this again. It looks like you may have tried to make a "link" post, but then switched over to the text post side of things, which caused Reddit to ignore the url or images you may have provided, leaving only the title.


2022-06-23 00:20

Oh my gosh Im so sorry!! Ill do that right away!!