Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Seriously confused about pen and arm position.


2022-06-18 16:56


Using the tripod grip my pen and hand obstructs my vision in a critical angle, reducing the accuracy of lines I can draw in that direction. How do I overcome this?

Do I move my arm dependind on the angle of the line?

Do I change grip depending on the angle?

Do I use a high tripod grip to reduce the amount of vision obstruction my hand causes?

Do I learn to estimate what's under obstructed view and draw without seeing?

Do I only draw along a single comfortable angle and rotate the page no matter what? (not possible for circles, partly for elipses)

I'm also confused what to do with my arm, and perhaps what height to sit at compared to the table. Though I know I should use my shoulder regardless of how my arm is positioned.

Do I hold my arm perpendicular to the table, or at some other consistant angle, regardless of what I'm drawing?

Do I rotate my arm depending on what angle line I'm drawing, partly to unobstruct vision, partly to increase accuracy by drawing in a better arm to line angle?

What vertical angle should my arm be at, how high should I be compared to the page?

I've been trying to follow lesson 1 but it's been too difficult to do with the above questions. So far I've been adopting a bad posture to lean around my obstructed vision, but I realized that's not the ideal solution and I need help.


2022-06-19 18:42

It matters a lot less than you think. Since we focus on executing our marks with confidence, and avoid steering with our eyes, whether or not we can see the.mark through the entire trajectory isn't actually all that important. What matters more is that you allow your arm to maintain a consistent trajectory throughout the stroke.


2022-06-20 06:24

In terms of your sitting posture, you should try to sit in an ergonomically correct way, not only for this but in general. (I hunched too much which limited my view. Sitting correctly helped in getting the big picture of where things are on my page)

One thing that has helped me is not holding the pen too far down and resting my pinky knuckle on the page or table. Just be comfortable with the pen and it will come to you. Engaging your shoulder feels weird at first, but you will get the hang of it in time.

Good luck :)