Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Quick question regarding cylinders: if the minor axis doesnt align when checking for errors, does that indicate that the plane is not square? Or did I just mess up the ellipse


2022-06-14 15:25



2022-06-14 15:54

It can technically mean either, but generally you are correct - the line extensions being off does suggest that the plane itself is not square in 3d space, and the purpose of the line extensions is to identify that so we can gradually adjust how we draw those boxes, building a greater sense of intuition as to how the box being drawn, relative to its orientation in 3d space, can impact its proportions in 3 dimensions.

That said, generally you'll want to do your best in aligning to the minor axis, leaving just the contact point lines to be off. This reduces the number of variables at play.