Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

How to Draw Overlap & Practice it well?


2022-06-13 21:47


Hi all, wanted to ask tips on overlapping in artwork. Which isn't talked about enough I think. For comics especially, people need to learn how to draw overlap alot. Cause thats what your going to be drawing more often than still images and characters in space in full. Characters cover each other and body parts, objects covering objects, drawing 3d spaces and towns full of people and animals etc, how do you draw overlap and how do you go about it in the sketch phase? Do you draw in full and erase? Or somehow master drawing partially etc if you know what I mean. This would be a great help on learning to figure out and master, thank you.


2022-06-14 18:18

Try asking this over on /r/learnart or /r/learntodraw. This subreddit is reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com, as explained here, so a more general subreddit would be better suited to your question.