Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Transitioning from Ink to Digital


2022-06-06 21:19


Hello all. I wanted to eventually use the skill I learn from this course and draw on my iPad with Procreate. Is there a specific method that anyone would recommend I use to do this? Like, after each lesson on ink/paper, should I repeat it on my iPad?


2022-06-07 19:51

My recommendation would be to use Drawabox for what it's designed to teach, and get comfortable using digital tools by using them for your 50% rule stuff - and if you have the time, you may want to find a course that specifically gets you comfortable with the software you're using.

It's important to keep in mind that each course is designed towards a certain purpose, or set of purposes. Drawabox for example is designed to teach a very specific set of skills - the use of one's arm for confident and purposeful markmaking, and one's brain's capacity for spatial reasoning. Both of these are important regardless of what tools you use, but the course itself does not teach the use of any particular tool. So, rather than going on to redo the drawabox exercises digitally, you'd be better off finding an actual course that is specifically designed to teach the software you want to use.

Rather than seeing drawing as a single "skill" that includes the use of the tools, the way we think about space, the way we use our body, etc. try to think of it as a set of different skills that come together.


2022-06-07 22:46

Beautifully explained, thank you!