Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Can I subscribe to the patreon for official critiques mid-way through?


2022-06-02 15:52


I've been (very slowly) working through drawabox for a while now, and have made it through to the end of lesson 3. I'm hoping to take drawing a bit more seriously this summer, so I'm thinking of joining the patreon to get official critiques on my drawings from lesson 3 and beyond.

However, the official guidelines require that in order to submit lesson 3 hw, all previous lessons/250 box challenge must be submitted as well, and I don't have all of the pages with my previous homework anymore. While I'm not opposed to re-doing everything, I would ideally like to avoid being bottlenecked by the 250 box challenge, and also avoid spending too much extra money waiting for my credits to refresh for each month. So is it possible to get an exception in my case, or will I have to re-do everything from scratch if I sub to the patreon? Thanks a lot.


2022-06-02 17:23

Unfortunately it is a firm requirement, and while there's an exception regarding the 250 box challenge which I'll get into in a moment, submitting old work is generally not permitted. Because of the way each lesson builds upon what came before it, the course is designed that certain kinds of issues are highlighted in earlier lessons, where they're easier to address. If we jumped ahead to critiquing your Lesson 3 work, then there are issues that may come up that would be more difficult to diagnose and address in that later context.

The one exception is that if a student has previously completed the box challenge, we ask them to submit their existing boxes, plus 50 more done after getting Lesson 1 marked as complete with official critique. That way we're not requiring them to redo the whole thing, but rather still getting evidence that the challenge was completed in full, and something meaningful that we can provide feedback on that would not be likely to repeat the issues that would have already been called out in the previous critique.

If you do happen to have some of your box challenge work, then you can just redo what's missing, and present them as [this is what I did before] and [here's the rest which I've done anew].