Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Fill Every Shadow with Black on Textures?


2022-06-02 11:27


I'm up to the first assignment that includes textures, and I'm a little confused. When I look up crumpled paper, I often see at least three major values: the white paper being hit by all the light, the light gray on certain parts of the page, and the darkest bits in the cracks. I understand that the assignment is not to include line work, but I'm not sure how else to show that there are ridges between the white and light gray parts after filling in the darkest bits. I've also started an attempt at bear fur, but again, I'm not sure what more I should be adding when only filling in the darkest parts doesn't seem to read as fur to me. Should I fill in the areas that are only slightly darker, too?

Any advice would be appreciated!


2022-06-03 17:15

The crumpled paper is an introduction for students to work in intentionally stark shapes, either fully black or fully white with nothing in between. Pick a point at which anything darker than a given value will be represented as black, and anything lighter will be represented as white.