Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Taking notes


2022-05-31 21:14


Hi All.

I'm in the process of the 250 Box Challenge and as I'm going through I'm noticing some mistakes that I'm making. I think it would be beneficial to just jot what's going thru my mind down next to the boxes that I've drawn already instead of separately. That way when I review my past work on another day (I try to do 10-20 per session) I can understand what was going through my mind and what to concentrate on for the next 'set' of boxes.

Now the question is: Does that count as self critique? I know we shouldn't have any self critique for the submission.


2022-06-01 17:15

While I definitely want to discourage people writing all kinds of self-deprecating "NO THIS IS BAD" etc on their work, as far as the submissions go, the self critique we're discouraging is what students include in their actual submission comment when posting it.

We generally feel there's no expectation for us to read through every little note a student has written on their work, and so we understand that is entirely for them. So it's just the comment included with the submission that we're referring to.


2022-06-01 18:15

Thanks Uncomfortable for clearing it up :)