Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals



2022-05-15 03:34


As it is mentioned in the challenge, we have to draw perfect cubes in which the cylinders will be enclosed in. So does this mean that cuboids or cubes of different lengths, breadths and heights is not allowed? Are we only supposed to draw perfect cubes throughout?


2022-05-15 16:20

So there are a few misunderstandings here:

  • Firstly, the boxes we construct for the cylinders in boxes exercise are not cubes. At least, not fully. We strive to maintain square proportioons for the two opposite ends in which our ellipses are drawn, but the length between them can be as short or as long as you wish.

  • Secondly, the exercise itself about improving our instincts and our ability to approximate those squared proportions. Meaning, I do not expect you to be able to maintain those proportions perfectly right from the beginning (or even to be able to do so perfectly at the end). Rather, the exercise is one where we draw a box, then test that box using the standard line extensions from the box challenge, plus the additional line extensions from the ellipses (each ellipse provides an additional 3 lines, each one going towards one of the box's own vanishing points, as explained in the notes and the video for the challenge). Upon this analysis after completing each page, we can identify where and how we need to adjust our approach to bring those converging lines together, then we attempt another page, and repeat the analysis, gradually improving our ability to estimate those proportions regardless of how the box itself is oriented in space.


2022-05-16 03:58

Thank you for clarifying my doubts! I was having a tough time with understanding what meant by drawing boxes for this exercise and this really helped a lot!