Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

The feeling


2022-05-14 13:48


I'm reading drawing on the right side of the brain and they mention the feeling you get when looking at rubin's vase (switching back and forth between vase and faces) and when drawing an upside down image. Does that feeling have anything to actually do with the mind's eye? After drawing upside down images I feel like my minds eye has improved and finding it easier to think visually


2022-05-15 16:14

Try posting this on /r/learnart or /r/learntodraw. This subreddit is reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com, which focus on the core fundamentals of drawing. In order to increase the likelihood of students getting responses to their homework submissions and answers to their course-related questions, we do have to keep the focus of the subreddit fairly narrow.

Those more general communities I recommended may be more suitable for your post.

For what it's worth, I'm inclined to think those visual effects speak more to the brain's tendency towards pattern recognition, which leads to an effect known as 'pareidolia'. That's specifically the effect of seeing human faces or other such common, recognizable things in random arrangements, but in the case of drawing, when our brain identifies such patterns, it's prone to making assumptions rather than working strictly off what it sees. The exercise of flipping the image upside down is specifically one that demonstrates humans' tendency towards rely on what they think is there, and what they recall, rather than what is actually in front of them. Eliminating the familiarity with the object by flipping it upside down also eliminates, to a point, the urge to make such assumptions.

Another point that may be of interest to you is aphantasia - the condition where some people (myself included) have no 'mind's eye' - or more accurately no or at least a limited visual component to the things they imagine. You can learn more about this in this video I produced for the Proko youtube channel.


2022-05-15 19:08

Thanks for the great response. A year to a year and a half ago I had believed I might have had aphantasia. I have even posted and commented on r/aphantasia.

It turns out I was somewhere between having hypophantasia and phantasia. I say was because I've been working on it and I feel that it's improved.