Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Physical version of the course?


2022-05-11 09:32



I have been interested in drawabox for quite some time now but the one thing that has always held me back was the fact that it seems that watching videos is a must to complete the course. Since I already use my computer for virtually anything whether it is work or entertainment, I would prefer to follow the course on paper for a change (it's also a bit eye-straining..).

Now I don't mind watching videos occasionally, but I was wondering if there is a book version of the course?


2022-05-11 18:11

Unfortunately there is no book version of this course, because in a manner of speaking, the course is technically still under development. I expect the next round of overhauls (which is currently in process) should bring us to a point where we can explore publishing an actual book, but creating a physical version of the course is far from a high priority for us.

That said, Drawabox is a course that was designed as a text course first and foremost. Videos were kind of forced upon me by the will of the community (resulting in a lot of shitty videos that serve more as supporting material to the written content), although with our overhaul we're trying to increase overall parity.

We still do encourage students to go through both the text and the videos, as absorbing the information from multiple angles helps promote greater overall absorption of that information, but ultimately if you were to pick one of the two, the text would be the better option. Text is more easily updated as the material evolves, whereas videos have a tendency to lag behind.

Of course, again - one should use both, ideally. Even when we do one day publish a book, it's going to include QRCodes that link off to the video material.


2022-05-23 01:47

Thanks for your answer, and sorry for the delayed response