Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Lesson 2 Possible Contradiction?


2022-05-03 01:43



A lot of students make the mistake of thinking that the texture exercises are about copying your reference, but that is not the case.



In the first square, we try to do a direct study from our reference. That is, we try and capture exactly what we see, down to all the finest detail. You should be focusing entirely on drawing the shadows you see, not outlining individual forms or drawing them directly.

Maybe I am just low on sleep, but is this confusing to anyone else? We should be following the first quote right?


2022-05-03 16:28

Hm, that definitely is something that could use some clarification. Texture in general is not about drawing the shadows we see, except for that specific part of the texture analysis exercise, where the focus is on being 100% observational at that moment, to get students used to the idea of analyzing what they're actually seeing, so that they can then use that information to understand the forms as they exist in three dimensions, and then use that understanding when drawing the gradient portion of the exercise.


2022-05-03 23:25

Thanks for the clarification!