Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

is drawing 7h/week enough?


2022-04-28 06:39


Hello. I run a branding agency and decided to learn drawing, as it's fun and would align perfectly with my job.

I'd like to become somewhat proficient in drawing in ~2 years - to the point where I'll be able to start taking some illustration (digital) assignments.

I want to spend learning around 7h/week, and this is how I draw right now - https://imgur.com/a/sOKoAQX

Is this a reasonable goal?


2022-04-28 19:14

7 hours a week is plenty - though I would recommend asking this over on /r/learnart instead. This subreddit is reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com, as explained here. In our course, we've got plenty of students balancing a full time job at the same time, so all we ask is that students try and keep things regular, even if it means shorter periods a few times a week, rather than a big session once in a blue moon.