Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

I can't request an official critique for Lesson 2! Help


2022-04-26 17:39


It's as stated, I completed lesson 1, the box challenge, etc, and I was marked as complete by a teaching assistant. I recently finished lesson 2 and posted it for official critique but I've encountered an error. I'm not able to move on because I haven't met the previous prerequisite, but I have 2 credits, I am a Patreon contributor, and was given the OK to move on. What else am I missing? Can anyone or u/Uncomfortable help me out? Thanks!


2022-04-26 18:07

I can certainly look into it for you, but I don't really have any information to work off. Generally this sort of thing would be better sent to support@drawabox.com, but since we're here now, can you provide your drawabox account username?


2022-04-26 20:19

I ended up checking your post history and found a link to your Lesson 2 submission, so I was able to find your username that way. It seems that your box challenge submission was not submitted for official critique- you'd forgotten to toggle on the official critique option, so the feedback you received was frol another student, not a teaching assistant.

You'll need to submit your box challenge work for official critique. Once you have it marked as complete, you can email me at support@drawabox.com to have the dates shifted around so you won't have to wait the 2 week cool down. That said, I highly recommend that you redo any exercises that you feel still show any of the issues the TA calls out in your box challenge work.


2022-04-27 13:43

Hey, thank you so much. I was very worried and a bit frustrated because I am taking the course very seriously and hoped that I didn't screw up somehow. Will definitely do!