has anyone done hair/fur as a texture? how do you do it?
2022-04-22 16:36
ive been trying to draw curly hair as a texture but im struggling to make it look like hair and not just a mass of vaguely wiggly shapes. im not sure how to see the Hair Forms when im drawing
i also tried drawing frizzy/brushed out hair but as you can imagine i couldnt really see any shadow shapes. is there a way to convey that sort of fluffiness (like in a cloud) with just a pen?
edit: not formally doing dab just messing around
2022-04-22 18:02
Drawabox has some info on that here in Lesson 5. Though since you're not going through Drawabox, then you'll probably want a more general set of responses (not necessarily just those from our course), so I would recommend asking this over on /r/learnart or /r/learntodraw.