Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Self taught Artist in Need of Advice


2022-04-12 21:00


Hello! I hope all is well with you. I am in need of advice as a self taught artist but here is a quick backstory on me to help understand where I am coming from.

For as long as a can remember I have been drawing, but I had never taken a single art class in elementary or middle school. The only art class I took was in highschool but my skills didn't improve in any way, which was really discouraging. On top of that my teacher was pretty dismissive and said my work sucked,(yet I applied for the student art show and my artwork was accepted). I really want to improve my art skills badly, so I can draw realistic art, fan art, on a digital platform but have no idea on where to start learning the fundemtals or relearning them properly. I feel a bit overwhelmed by all the resources out there so a guide on what books to start out on, fundemtals to learn, exercises to practice, would be great!


2022-04-13 23:58

So you should definitely ask this question over on /r/learnart. This subreddit is reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com (as explained here), which primarily focuses on the core fundamentals of drawing. It may be, at least in part what you're looking for, but if you ask over on /r/learnart the folks there will be able to give you a more varied set of recommendations.