Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Perspective Perfect Cube - Things need to know?


2022-04-07 04:39


I want to draw a perfect cube in perspective. What are some rules and things I need to do to make a perfect cube in perspective? List them.



2022-04-07 17:44

I think you'd be better off asking this question over on /r/learnart. This subreddit is reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com, as explained here. While we do get into techniques for establishing perfect proportional cubes, it's very late in the lesson and builds on other concepts. There are also easier approaches, which we don't use because our course focuses on using tools that can consistently exist on the page (and vanishing points can end up waaay off the page making them tricky to use in certain circumstances).

The folks on /r/learnart will be able to provide you with more general answers that use all of the tools available to us within the system of linear perspective.