Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

When am I meant to do the challenges and drills?


2022-03-24 21:30


I just finished Lesson 1 lines, ellipses and boxes and I wasn't once prompted to do any of the challenges.

However the description for the challenges and drills says they will be listed as recommended next steps.

As much as I don't want to draw 500 boxes and cylinders I feel like I have to if I want to be able to draw.

Any idea when I'm meant to do them or can I just skip them?


2022-03-25 01:31

You may have missed this page at the end of Lesson 1. It explains that the next step after you've had your work reviewed and marked as complete is to move onto the 250 box challenge. You can also follow to the next step by using the links below each page - they lead to the next page of the same lesson, then when you hit the end of the lesson, it continues onto the challenge or lesson that you are recommended to complete next.


2022-03-25 11:26

Alright yeah my bad I was following the new uploads of the lessons and they ended at the funnels exercise. Guess I'm moving on to the boxes section now. Thanks.


2022-03-25 04:28

i just want to pop in because i see you saying you're hesitating on wanting to do the challenges- I haven't done them yet, and I have very little experience, but personally the only way I've managed to convince myself to do them is using them as "permission" to just sort of do whatever you want when drawing outside of exercises because enough repetitive drawings of the boxes will hopefully break any bad habits. i don't know if that mindset would help you considering how i only probably benefit from it because of how anxious i tend to be but i thought sharing could help maybe


2022-03-25 11:27

Yeah I know I should do them it just seems like such a massive undertaking it'll be worth it in the end tho


2022-03-25 14:50

Well here's the short end. Yes you have to do 250 boxes if you want to move onto lesson 2. If you want to move onto lesson 5 you have to do 250 cylinders. The good news is you don't have to do the boxes and cylinders at the same time. The other challenges I feel are more optional unless you want to tackle the vehicle lesson which is six. Me personally I feel because of what i want to draw will not be vehicles, the only challenges I would do are boxes and cylinders.