Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Using anime characters or bt21 characters in my restaurant and Instagram for aesthetic (i dont sell them)


2022-03-21 04:20


Hello how is everyone? Im wondering if i am allowed(legal) to draw animes in my store. And also i was wondering if i can out them in my instagram promoting my store. So my store is a good business. Some ppl are telling me its legal but im still paranoid about it. Im not selling the anime but just using them as pictures. For instance: i am drawing an anime lets say luffy and he is eating in my store. And I post that drawing in instagram. Is that really legal? Even if i made it myself. Its still not my anime u know.. Thank you


2022-03-22 16:36

This subreddit is reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com, as explained here.

That said, your best bet for this would be speaking to a lawyer - but as far as I understand the situation, I don't think this would be a big deal. It's not really a question of whether it's legal or not (appropriating an IP that does not belong to you does likely break IP laws in some countries) but it's more a question of whether this is something the holder of that IP would bother taking issue with.

Some companies (Disney, Nintendo) definitely do issue cease and desists for people using their art for prints, selling them, etc. but for something like this, given how much fan art is out there, I don't think it'd be a big issue. And if it is, the worst you'd end up having to do is remove the images from your instagram.

The first course of action in such a situation is not to jump straight to suing you - rather, they'd issue a cease and desist to "gently" ask that you remove the offending pieces.

Of course, I'm not a lawyer, so this is not legal advice.