Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

A question to 250 boxes chalenge: does it matter, which of the three front faces should be filled with tight hatching?


2022-03-17 09:00



2022-03-17 16:58

This one's my fault - in the video I was far less clear than I thought in terms of how I was communicating the point about the hatching. Each box consists of six faces, three of which point towards the viewer and three point away. You can fill in any of the 3 facing the viewer with hatching, there is not one specific one that would be correct. In that video, I intended to distinguish between the two sets (those pointing away and those pointing towards) but I really just seemed to be pointing at two different planes from one set, making it all rather.. unintentionally confusing.

This should be corrected when my overhaul reaches the box challenge video, and a new one is uploaded.


2022-03-18 10:27

Thanks for the quick reply.