Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

So i have redone the hellish rotated boxes exercise once again after the 250 box challenge, what do you guys thing?


2022-03-11 18:40





2022-03-12 00:53

This subreddit doesn't allow single exercises or partial work, as explained here. You can however get feedback on individual exercises on the discord chat server though, and the folks there would be happy to help you out. For the subreddit, we're pushing students to post complete lesson work.

And now that I've pasted my usual response to partial work, I feel like I should say damn your rotated boxes improved a ton! You're doing a much better job of keeping the boxes together with consistent gaps. One thing you still have room for improvement on however is the actual relative rotation between the boxes, which you can read more about in these notes.


2022-03-12 03:55

Thanks for the criticism, i surely will be practicing box rotation with the 15min warm ups

And i will join the discord server to ask for minor criticism such as this, sorry for the inconvenience lol