Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Can I draw/paint photos from pinterest?


2022-03-01 06:16


By photos I don't mean other people art but photography,portraits etc


2022-03-01 15:34

As this sounds like a more general question, you'd be better off asking this over on /r/learnart. This subreddit is reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com, as explained here.

That said, no one's going to stop you from drawing from photos on pinterest, but there are a couple considerations:

  • If you're just drawing it for the hell of it and don't intend to sell the image on merchandise/prints/etc. then there isn't much of a copyright concern there. It's very common for people to draw from random reference images they've found, it only gets dicey when they grab a copyright reference image, create a piece of work that is functionally a direct copy of it, then attempt to profit from it.

  • Lower resolution images can be harder to do studies from, especially when you're early on in your skill development. Pinterest by its nature only really gives you access to lower resolution images, although you could ostensibly find an image you like and try to find a higher resolution copy of it either by following it back to its source, or using reverse image search with google, but this doesn't always bear fruit.