Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Question about changing critiques from community to official. Just finished 250 boxes challenge


2022-02-26 10:41


Hey guys, I have a question. FInished lesson 1, got community critiqued. Did 250 boxes challenge afterwards, just finished that. If, from here on out, I wanted to subscribe to the patreon and get my work critiqued by the DrawABox team, I'd need to get my 250 boxes work critiqued by the DOA team first before moving on to Lesson 2, right?

Would the DOA team need to re-critique my lesson 1 work? Would I need to re-do lesson 1 and the 250 boxes since I'm changing critiques? help, please.

(Not dissing on the community critiques, just thought DrawABox is a great resource and wanted to support it. Plus, want to finally shush the anxiety and stupid voice at the back of my head constantly doubting the community critiques all the time )


2022-02-26 15:31

Most of what you need to know is explained in this section of Lesson 0 - be sure to read through it so you understand all the requirements that are placed on those submitting for official critique.

As to your specific question, you would have to start by submitting your Lesson 1 work. The TA critiquing it may mark it as complete, or they may assign revisions, which you'd need to submit in turn.

Generally the rule is that you may not continue forwards until the prerequisite has been marked as complete - so technically your completion of the box challenge wouldn't be valid by that rule, but fortunately we're not quite as cruel as that. While it's not published as we don't want to encourage this situation, when students have already completed the box challenge, instead of having them do the whole thing over we ask that they simply do 50 additional boxes after having their Lesson 1 work marked as complete.

In your case, I'd recommend doing those additional 50 boxes if you receive any revisions, or any suggestions regarding your linework that would have ultimately improved your results on the box challenge. If your lesson 1 work is basically perfect as-is, then I suppose you can submit your box challenge as it is, but you'd still be subject to the 14 day cooldown between submissions (and therefore wouldn't be able to submit your box challenge until 2 weeks after your Lesson 1 homework. That cooldown exists both to ensure students don't rush through their work, as well as to keep our staff from getting overwhelmed with rapid-fire submissions.


2022-02-27 02:50
