Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Completed 250 Box Challenge -- critique/feedback welcome


2022-02-23 04:49



2022-02-23 04:56

Well, of 48 images I tried twice to upload to Imgur it seems like only one actually uploaded. It shows only 1, so Idk if I'll be banned for breaking the rule on incomplete challenges since this is not the first time I've failed at trying to post these.

Reddit only allows 20 images in a post so I can't directly upload them. I tried an image combiner but then they must exceed the file size limit because they won't upload.

I don't know how anyone manages to get all these images uploaded for one post. Ive spent hours trying and I'm at a loss. I give up.

The images I tried to upload: https://i.redd.it/al39igpalij81.jpg


2022-02-23 04:56

All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats!


+ 1

+ 20

= 69


2022-02-23 04:56



2022-02-23 16:53

Lol you're not gonna be banned - though you might want to try another host if imgur isn't working right. It's possible that imgur was acting up at the time, and so your images didn't get uploaded correctly. You may want to simply try again later, or try another host like google drive/photos, or dropbox.

I am going to remove this post, but feel free to give it another shot.


2022-02-23 19:20

Thank you, I may try again with a different host sometime.