Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Art foundation advice


2022-02-22 20:32


Hello, I am doing an art foundation course and Im currently on my final component, any advice :-)

My subject is the natural contours of bodies and florals


2022-02-23 16:51

This subreddit is reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com - I understand that the name is a bit confusing in that regard, but I explain why it turned out this way here.

Ultimately this community focuses specifically on learning the core fundamentals of drawing in a particular fashion. I'd recommend asking this question over on /r/learnart, and perhaps providing them with a little more detail on what the course you're taking defines as "natural contours of bodies and florals", as there are many approaches to learning and different instructors may interpret certain terms differently from one another.