Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

I am revising my art education. And i can really help a well structured course outlines of any atelier or art college.


2022-02-22 01:28


My college didn't have any and it made me just wing most of the stuff as a result i think I haven't progressed in about 6 years of my time there now i am out and again reading about fundamentals , watching playlists on youtube reading blogs

A well structured course abstract which tells you what you need to learn and in what order could really act as a guide for me.

I am really intrested in learning more about portraiture colors, shape, composition And i wonder how it is taught in a responsible college? I just need the outline ready i can find out on my own.

Any forum , website which discusses the process of learning the fundamentals but in a structured way would really help me.

Even a simple pdf of how art colleges gives exercises and assignment to their students from beginning to the complex projects would really really help me.

Help a fellow artist.


2022-02-22 04:57

This question is probably better suited to a more general community such as /r/learnart. This subreddit is, as explained here, reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com - which itself is indeed a structured course, but only focuses on the core fundamentals of drawing and does not go further into portraiture, colour, composition, etc.

The folks on /r/learnart however should be able to speak more about what college courses teach.