Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Visual Library


2022-02-20 15:22


How do I expand my visual library?


2022-02-20 19:19

This question would be better suited to /r/learnart or another more general community (posts here are limited to homework submissions and questions relating to the lessons on drawabox.com, as explained here), but the answer to this question is relatively simple.

You expand your visual library by using reference - both in the capacity of full on studies of objects to better understand how they work, what parts they're made of, and so on, as well as working on larger designs or illustrations, using different pieces of reference to fill in the gaps of your knowledge. The more you use reference in an active fashion, as a tool or as a study material, the more you'll go from simply "seeing" the objects around you to actually understanding them at a greater level of depth.


2022-02-21 00:31

Thank you for the suggestion and to your answer :3