Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Should I restart?


2022-02-17 20:56


I've quit back in 2019, and I'm planning to come back, however, I quit when I reached lesson 2, should I restart from the beginning, since it's been 2 and a half years? Is there a standard answer for this question? Ty


2022-02-17 21:45

I would definitely recommend that you start over from the beginning.


2022-02-17 21:50

Yeah, already I'm, I figured It wouldn't hurt. Ty


2022-02-18 11:54

We don't know why you quit and there are other ways to go about learning these basics. If you got bored, you might look into a video course this time, for example. We don't need to know why you quit, but something to think about so you can make the best plan.


2022-02-18 12:56

If you want an accountability buddy, pm me. I'd have to restart from 1 too but i quit at lesson 2 as well.


2022-02-17 22:35

So I recommend that you retry the exercises but for official critique start from lesson 2. I started drawabox in 2019 and finished in late 2021. Be in it for the long run. And paying for official critique is so worth it


2022-02-17 22:37

I'm in the same boat as you. I restarted recently as well from the beginning. I take it as a lesson in patience to not want to skip ahead.


2022-02-18 00:27

I restart everytime I stop, and I always do 1 exercise a day, and when I see that I am having some dificulties with any exercise I train a little more in it


2022-02-18 19:30

I also restart, but I go a lot faster and dont take notes along the process anymore. So now instead of 1-2 exercises a day, I can do 3-4 easily. So it FEELS faster than when I first started. I never go past my limits though - if Im sucking really bad at something then I dont just move on, I practice that thing until Im satisfied.


2022-02-18 12:35

Restarting is actually key to full understanding. Every time you do an exercise over again, you'll get a little more understanding of it. No exercise is truly 'done' until it's done correctly, and even then it's still good to do them over from time to time just to 'hone the edge of the knife'.


2022-02-18 14:24

depends. Draw a box aims to enforce good habits and firm understanding. If you feel like falling into bad habits or you forgot some fundamentals you could no harm in that.


2022-02-18 16:27

Keep in mind that you will never be "done" when it comes to fundamentals. It never hurts to go back to them and brush up on things.