Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Need tips and sources to learn compositional drawing.


2022-02-10 07:06


I'm a novice at pencil potrait making.

When I spend enough time on them, sketches turn realistic. But they take over 30-40 hours to do so.

I'm looking to practice with quick sketches.

I've noticed that I take time to identify the composition. Any tips/sources to i prove that?

Thanks in advance .


2022-02-10 18:21

This subreddit is reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com, as explained here. That explanation does get into why we have the "ArtFundamentals" name given our narrower scope (basically we started with a more general scope, and then narrower it down based on what our community needed most).

That said, once upon a time there was a composition lesson included in Drawabox, and you can find an archived version of it here.

Aside from that however, I'd recommend asking this question over on /r/learnart or /r/learntodraw.


2022-02-15 19:14

Thank you very much.

I shall also post it there