Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

How can I find homework submissions that already have been critiqued?


2022-01-06 13:19


Hi everyone, basically, tittle.

I was hoping to find some homework submissions for the 250 box challenge that already have been critiqued so I could learn something from them.

So I went to the home page of the drawabox site. Opened the homework page. Went as far as page 10. And nothing. I'm doing something wrong? Is there another way for finding homework submissions that already have been critiqued?


2022-01-06 15:12

The order of the list puts submissions that have not received feedback higher up, in order to try and maximize their chances of getting feedback. You can however use the filter options to find, for example, box challenge submissions that have been sent in for official critique.


2022-01-06 18:50

There are filters? How did I not noticed that? Thank you for pointing that out to me. With the filters I was able to find what I was looking for.


2022-01-06 22:34

Use the search box on the right of the screen here in Reddit and search for "250 box", you'll get people posting the results and critiques.