Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

250 Box Challenge Page


2022-01-04 17:09



2022-01-04 17:14

Any feedback on how to improve my lines here would be appreciated. Along with ellipses, getting clean lines is what I think I struggle with the most. For this page, I felt like my lines definitely were smoother when I made sure to rotate the page and when I rested my hand on the page while drawing, but I'm hesitant to keep doing those things since I worry it might slow me down while working on any large drawings or paintings.

If there's anything else besides the lines you think could help, I would appreciate your thoughts there too.


2022-01-04 20:19

This subreddit doesn't allow single exercises or partial work, as explained here. You can get feedback on individual exercises on the discord chat server though, and the folks there would be happy to help you out. For the subreddit, we're pushing students to post complete lesson work.

I do have two things to call out though:

  • Make sure that you're employing the ghosting method as introduced in Lesson 1 for all of your lines.

  • Make sure that you're applying the line extension approach explained in the box challenge notes and video, to check the convergences of your lines after each completed page of boxes.


2022-01-04 20:42

Thanks for the feedback. I'll start adding convergence lines and rewatch the ghosting method videos. I feel a bit stuck when it comes to improving my lines.

So to clarify (if you have the time) is the problem with my post that I didn't post all 250 boxes? Maybe I didn't understand the rule.


2022-01-04 20:44

That's correct. On the subreddit, we had to institute a rule requiring all submissions to consist of all the assigned homework for a given lesson or challenge, as allowing partial submissions results in far too much clutter and diminishes the chance one has of getting feedback from the community (since they have to wade through much more).

So for getting advice mid-lesson, the Discord server is more suitable.


2022-01-04 20:48

Okay, thanks. I'll make sure to remember that if I decide to share anything again.