Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Thank you Uncomfortable.


2022-01-04 13:00


I have to get a bit sappy and give my genuine thank you letter to Uncomfortable and everyone else that contributes to Drawabox. Also to hopefully reassure anyone thinking of starting the course that this is very valuable information.

As someone who had been drawing their whole life up till about the end of highschool, then dropping the hobby till my now age of 27, this course has been an absolute fire under my ass. I had drawn my whole life without ever really caring or even really having a consistent source of the fundamentals of drawing. And I hope people recognize how important the fundamentals really are. Yes, the first lesson is not exactly the most stimulating. But as someone that has throughout the years scoured different art books, videos, talked to other artist (even my father who is an art school graduate) never had the importance of your pen stroke even been brought up. That lesson alone reassured me that this course is the one worth doing, and that has only been reassured with each new lesson.

I sincerely can not thank Uncomfortable enough and everyone else that contributes to the project. This information being so we'll laid out and with hours of detailed videos explaining each concept all for FREE is, in my opinion, the greatest contribution to the art of drawing I can think of. As much as Id like to, I have not been able to financially support this project. But I had to show my support in some way. So again, thank you so much for what you have made here and I hope new artist recognize what is really being offered here and stick with it.


2022-01-04 14:14

Thank you very much for your kind words! It certainly has brightened my morning.


2022-01-04 17:28

Yeah this course can really lay the foundation to becoming a good artist. I lost my job as a fireman because of a spinal injury and am on my way to being able to became a tattooist because of /u/Uncomfortable I do well with structure, so it was essential instead of the advice of a lot of people to "just draw."


2022-01-04 20:10

I agree. About a year ago I started drawabox and joined Patreon to support him and be able to get my assignments graded. I submitted the first lesson, and then the pandemic and my job sucked away my time and energy. I kept up the Patreon payments though to help support him, since I can afford it and others who want to, can't. I recently retired and plan on restarting my drawabox journey again.


2022-01-05 03:04

Very similar story and feelings toward draw a box. It is the single most beneficial resource I have ever used to actually learn the thing I always considered a little hobby that I would never improve. Countless youtube tutorials never did a real thing to help me improve like drawabox did. Still have a long way to go on my journey, but damn this gave me a clear idea of where I was, and what I needed. It's insane how helpful this is, and all for free? Nuts. Keep up the art my friend!


2022-01-09 07:54

Following on these sentiments, I also stopped drawing right out of high school. I wanted to be a graphic designer at one point. I drew my whole life until that point, I took many art classes, but did not feel like I was improving, so I regrettably gave it up. For 2022, I decided this year I would pick up drawing again and some how stumbled across this subreddit. I do feel very very rusty, but so far course amazing and I am already starting to think about drawing differently. I wish I had it back 22 years ago.