Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

How are Drawabox lessons marked as complete?


2022-01-03 07:26


Hello! I just started Drawabox very recently and I wanted to know how Lesson 1 work is marked as complete. Is it marked as complete when you send the homework in for feedback? Is it a badge system? Or am I missing the mark entirely? I included a screenshot of the text I was talking about:

Text of \"This submission is currently awaiting free community feedback\" on drawabox.


2022-01-03 16:47

Currently, the unofficial "critique exchange" program Elodin's running on our [discord server]() is set up such that anyone looking for feedback on later lessons (box challenge and onwards) can "earn" feedback by first critiquing 5 homework submissions from lessons you've had marked as complete. This means that Lesson 1 submissions do tend to get critiqued on the website.

When critiquing your work, the person doing so has the choice to either consider your lesson work complete, or to ask for revisions (and in response to those revisions, they can then consider your lesson work complete, or ask for further revisions). To actually receive the "completion" status for a submission, a critique that ultimately considers your submission complete must receive 2 agrees from others.

This of course is largely superficial - it gets you an achievement badge, and not much else.


2022-01-03 18:27

Thank you so much! I understand it now.