Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Drawabox for both-handed people


2022-01-02 08:59


Hey everyone.

Im starting drawabox and Im unsure of which hand I should use.

Normally, Im left handed. For everything else than writing and drawing I mainly use my right hand.

During school/studying (Graphic Design) we had those white whiteboards you can write with felt tip pens on it. Since I always smudged it, i started to use my right hand there. (Did this for 5 years)

This lead me to drawing big stuff with my right hand, which means I already can draw with my shoulder on the right hand. Thats why I want to start drawabox because I already know the advantages to draw with the shoulder. Im not on full control of my right handed lines, but they are pretty smooth and I feel comfortable with drawing long lines and big shaped with my right shoulder.

Would you suggest me to refine my abilities to draw with my right shoulder or should I start from scratch with my left shoulder? :)


2022-01-02 17:11

While I can't say I know too much about what might factor into these concerns for ambidextrous people, by virtue of you already being somewhat comfortable drawing with your shoulder with your right hand, then I'd probably lean towards sticking with that. Not being in full control of those lines is pretty normal - accuracy will improve with practice, but executing smooth and confident lines is our priority right now.