Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

New Dynamic Sketching class


2021-12-31 16:22


New Masters Academy just added a Dynamic Sketching class. The description says its for intermediate level artists. Seems like this would be good to take after completing Draw a Box lessons 1-7? New Masters Dynamic Sketching Class


2021-12-31 16:23

I hope its OK to post that link. Im not trying to spam on behalf of New Masters. Ive been looking for a class to take once I complete lessons 1-7 and wondered if this might be a good class.


2021-12-31 18:24

I do indeed recommend that students look at courses like Dynamic Sketching after Drawabox - and I actually mention it in a new version of the "What is Drawabox" video that I'm currently editing. Should be out tomorrow.

Good to know that more schools are including it in their offerings.


2021-12-31 19:00

Thanks, Uncomfortable! The New Masters class looks pretty solid and there are homework assignments in addition to the lecture videos.