Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

(QUESTION) Change of different tiers


2021-12-31 11:28


So if i subscribe to one tier,say 6 candian dollars per month, is it possible to change it to 12 canadian dollar per month that after some time, or are we struck in that same tier?


2021-12-31 13:29

Yes, that is certainly an option available to patrons, and one that is regularly used. What happens is at the time of the increase, Patreon will charge them the difference between the old and new tiers, and the Drawabox system dispenses the difference in credits as well. In the case of your example, one would.be charges the difference of CA$6 and would receive one credit on the spot. Then going forward from the first of the next every subsequent month, they'd be charged the full CA$12 and receive 2 credits, until they change or cancel their subscription.