Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals



2021-12-30 06:50


How much time per day should I spend practicing if I'm a complete newbie and have some very relevant health issues (dyspraxia, mild strabismus)?


2021-12-30 17:07

I'm not sure if this question is specifically related to the lessons on Drawabox.com (for which this subreddit is reserved). If it's not, you may want to ask over on /r/learnart or /r/learntodraw instead.

In the context of Drawabox, we intentionally do not give students specific expectations of how long they should spend, as everyone's circumstances are different - between balancing jobs, families, and other commitments, not everyone has the same amount of time to commit. So, we simply ask that students commit as much time as they require to do each assigned exercise to the best of their current ability - not to strive for perfection at any cost, but to ensure that when they do submit their work for feedback, that they are submitting a body of work that gives the person critiquing them a good idea of where they are, what they understand, and what they don't.

Ultimately, only you are in a position to judge how much time is appropriate - although it is worth mentioning that endurance as well as patience are also things that develops over time, with beginners finding it difficult to commit very much towards the start, and gradually finding it easier as they keep at it.

As to the health issues, these will also be left to you to take into consideration, as generally speaking art instructors are not medical professionals who are equipped to weigh in on them. What I can say, however, is to give yourself the patience you deserve. You're embarking on a new journey, just starting out. Do not expect yourself to perform the way another who's been at it for years might, and give your health concerns the consideration they require.

Lastly, time-per-day is less important than the regularity with which you practice. It's better to practice 30 minutes every couple days, than 4 hours one day and then not again for weeks. Burnout is a real concern, and it happens more frequently when we try to push ourselves too hard, too soon, which will happen often if we compare ourselves to others without understanding their own situations as they compare to ours.

Long story short: it's better to not be hard on yourself, or to hold yourself to unreasonable standards. Focus on regularity rather than long bursts here and there, always remember that your journey is not a sprint, not even a marathon - but a long, cross-country trek.