Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Question about how to proceed


2021-12-29 12:52


So a year ago I started doing Drawabox, and I did all the homework up until the texture exercises in Lesson 2, including the 250 box challenge, but never bothered getting them reviewed. Shortly afterwards, I got a new job that required me to move overseas, and didn't have time to practice much. I'd like to get back into it and finish Drawabox, but I no longer have the drawings I did a year ago to submit for review. Should I continue on from where I left off, or should I start over? I've been doing practice sessions of all the previous exercises I learned, and I'm finding it's difficult to draw boxes accurately (although I can clearly see what I'm doing wrong.)


2021-12-29 14:12

I think your best bet is to redo Lesson 1. If you're not planning on submitting your work for the official, paid critique, then doing 50 boxes and getting free community feedback on them via the discord should be okay. Normally for those submitting for the paid critique in your situation, we'd have them submit 50 new boxes in addition to the 250 so we can see current, up-to-date work reflecting the feedback they received for Lesson 1 (without having them redo the whole set), but since you mentioned that you don't have the original work, that would not be possible. Thus, if you are planning on using the paid critique, you'd have to do the full 250 over as well after getting your Lesson 1 work marked as complete, but if you're not 50 will be sufficient.