Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

First exercises done, something you can point out before keep going? I'll gladly hear you guys :)


2021-12-26 22:22



2021-12-26 22:26

Tbh i'm pretty concerned about my elipses, they come out kinda egg, so i'm trying to draw them a bit faster from the shoulder. But i feel like the movement is corrected just on one side of the circle and the other comes out bad. I'll keep trying but right now that's the only thing i don't know how to fix.


2021-12-27 03:33

This subreddit doesn't allow single exercises or partial work, as explained here. You can get feedback on individual exercises on the discord chat server though, and the folks there would be happy to help you out. For the subreddit, we're pushing students to post complete lesson work.

For what it's worth, your ellipses are coming along fine.


2021-12-28 20:32

Aight, sry i didn't knew ill keep updating there then. Thanks for the explanation c: