Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Is lesson 2 dissection excercise done with or without shadows ?


2021-12-21 18:49


In the video there was some element of shadows and reflection on the side of the dissection, but in the page text and pictures there was no mention, Is the exvcercise meant to be with or without them ?


2021-12-21 19:05

One of the inevitable things that arises from a course being developed over many years is that some sections get updated, while others get a little left behind, until time can be scraped together to update them as well. Right now we're kind of stuck in that sort of a position, and while we're making considerable efforts to start updating all of the lesson content to eliminate inconsistencies, the texture section of Lesson 2 is probably one of the main areas that suffers from this.

To put it simply, the texture analysis content was produced much more recently, whereas the dissection material is a fair bit older. So, the texture analyses are somewhat more refined and better reflect the concepts we're looking for, stressing the importance of focusing on understanding the individual textural forms that are present on a surface, and thinking through what kind of shadows they would cast in order to imply them as part of our texture.

Long answer short, try to apply the principles from the texture analysis when working on the dissections. Focus on understanding the nature of each form, and try to determine what kind of shadow it would cast. Try to avoid outlining your textural forms, and avoid form shading as well.


2021-12-21 19:21

Thank you very much for this clear and comprehensive answer !