Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

[Lesson 1] What should I even look out for when I draw the red lines in the rough perspective exercise?


2021-12-20 17:39


I do understand that it tells me how much off I was from the vanishing point... But how exactly can I evalute my results and see what I'm doing wrong. To me it only tells how many lines I got wrong, not how to improve my accuracy. Is there something I'm missing?

Thanks in advanced.


2021-12-20 19:41

Pay attention to the circumstances that yield your line extensions being especially far off the mark from your intended vanishing point. Often students will see that the further out to the left or right they are from the VP, the more dramatically they miss it. This would suggest that we need to assume a much sharper convergence as we get further out than we originally might expect.


2021-12-20 21:00

I see, tysm :D