Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Can I use different color ink for form intersection?


2021-12-16 16:45


I was just wondering if I could use maybe red or blue ink to show the intersections of my forms for them to be easier to see or should I just stick to just black ink?


2021-12-16 17:29

This is not something I would recommend, for the reason that it can cause students to feel that the intersections are some manner of separate, abstract analysis of the forms they've drawn, rather than an actual physical component of the resulting structure itself. The intersection lines aren't separate - they're actually the defined relationships between the different intersecting forms, kind of like the visible "weld lines" that occur when different pieces of metal are fused together with a torch. Their edges should be just as much a part of the original drawing as any others, so it's best to draw them with the same pen.