Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

searching for an app on playstore for drawing anime


2021-12-15 18:26


When I was younger(maybe 6 years ago) I downloaded an app from play store that helps draw anime. But now that app is nowhere to be found on playstore and none of the other apps have a similar concept.

Here is how the app worked. So the app had many different anime and cartoon characters to choose from. When you click on a specific character, the app displays steps to draw the character.

There are multiple images in order, the first image shows a few lines then i copy those lines. The next image shows a few more lines and this goes on and the whole character is drawn.

The basic concept being that you don't need to learn all the basics to enjoy drawing art. It's a great app for anyone who likes to draw for fun. After all asking a kid to draw 250 boxes or practice gesture drawing for months may sound boring and might result in complete loss of interest.

If anyone knows a similar app or a website it would be great. Also the app I am talking about might have 3 varients with each being harder than the previous one.


2021-12-15 22:35

You'd probably be better off asking this over on /r/learnart - posts here must either be drawabox homework submissions, or relate to the drawabox material, as explained here. Limiting the subreddit to that kind of content helps students get as many eyes on their work as they can, improving chances of getting helpful feedback.