Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

250 boxes challenge ghosting and order


2021-12-10 21:41


Is it ok to ghost the lines further away and mark the place where the lines will converge or am I hindering my progress this way?

As of now I start with Y, place the first dot where I want my corner to be, draw the two edges, do the extended ghosting (and place dots further from the box to mark the trajectory) to make sure the third line will converge with one of the two first lines and then place the second dot that marks the corner so I can draw my third and forth edge (not counting Y lines).


1.Is it ok to mark the places where the lines would extend to see where they would converge to adjust the angle of the third line? Or do I need to guess?

2.Is there an optimal order of drawing the lines?


2021-12-10 22:30

Ghosting your lines towards where that vanishing point will be is fine - though I don't want you to get in the habit of actually marking the vanishing point itself (since that would restrict you to drawing boxes whose VPs are always on the page, and there are many cases where they'd be much farther off). Anything else you want to mark off that would be consistently on the page is fine - for example, this approach demonstrated by ScyllaStew takes advantage of the points we define during the use of the ghosting method's planning phase to negotiate how to orient her lines, specifically by putting down points for multiple lines, before actually putting those lines down.

While I wouldn't say there's an optimal, step by step order for each of the lines, the lines for the intial Y should be defined first, then it's usually good to add a line to each set, one at a time, so they're all developed gradually rather than focusing too much on one set, then moving onto the next when it's done.