Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Live online courses for Artists


2021-12-10 07:48


Hey everyone,

I have been trying to look for some live online classes for painting, sketching, or anything related to art. I haven't really gotten any good leads on it as most of the courses are pre-recorded.

I am looking for something that happens live either on zoom or any video conferencing software.

It would be great if you could recommend something nice that helps me grow as an artist and get a good user experience as well.


2021-12-10 19:22

I would recommend asking this over on /r/learnart - this subreddit is reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com, as explained here.

That said, I do have a few answers for you:

  • CG Master Academy is generally fairly well regarded, and has been around for a while now, and offer a range of classes.

  • When the pandemic hit, a lot of smaller private schools that did offer in-person teaching pivoted temporarily to online teaching, and are still doing so. This includes schools like Concept Design Academy (I attended this school in person back in 2013/2014 and it was pivotal in my development) and Brainstorm School (started by a couple of instructors I had the pleasure of learning from at CDA).

  • While this isn't a school, Peter Han currently offers his Dynamic Sketching course - he's taught this in schools like CDA and CGMA (again, I took it at CDA, and it was definitely the most significant drawing course I've taken to date), as well as doing so in the renowned Art Center College of Art and Design. It really is one of the best courses you can take, in my opinion, when it comes to exploring drawing specifically.

My suggests here are biased by my background, having in concept design and illustration - the courses these schools offer lean much more towards teaching technical skill, rather than what you'll find at a more fine-art oriented institution. Additionally, they are geared towards career building, but in that regard they still apply just as well to hobbyists in every way except the cost. These courses are not cheap.

Again, be sure to ask over on /r/learnart, as you should get other suggestions from people with different sets of experience than myself.