Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

how to stop Necker Cube illusion?


2021-12-09 20:33


OK so i have been trying to learn to draw for a year and a half and i have a issue and that is the Necker Cube illusion seems to happen for me and makes things really hard like i wanted to try

The Drawing Boxes: Getting More Advanced issue is the Necker cube effect happens and makes the angles look fliped how am i to learn how to draw through boxes and stuff if this illusion keeps happening? and the more i look at it the more the boxes flip.....

Any tips for this issue?


2021-12-09 21:08

Generally we address that (at least in the box challenge itself, which I assume you've finished prior to tackling the more advanced box exercises) by filling one of the three faces that point towards the viewer with hatching. It provides the brain with a frame of reference to make sense of the box, despite being able to see all of its edges. Generally however, as you continue to do this, your brain should generally adapt to pay more attention to the information provided by the convergences of your lines towards their implied vanishing points - so your brain will essentially pick up on, "oh they're converging in this direction" and the faces that are closer to the viewer will become a bit more clear.