Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Vanishing points


2021-12-09 16:16


Complete beginner here. When drawing boxes in the 250 box challange, does there have to be a clear convergence towards all three vp's? Would drawing a box (even from corner view) with all three vp's going to infinity be wrong? Assuming the box is not too close, nor is it very large.


2021-12-09 17:01

For the box challenge, we're largely drawing boxes that are rotated randomly in space. Since we only get vanishing points at infinity when the rotation of the box is "snapped" to certain alignments relative to the viewer (a vanishing point goes to infinity only when the set of lines it governs run perpendicular to the viewer's angle of sight), we can pretty much assume that the random rotations will never end up aligning so perfectly. So, always be sure to work with 3 concrete vanishing points, and to consciously focus on having those lines converge consistently to the best of your current ability.

Of course this is something that will be difficult, and you'll make plenty of mistakes - that's why we use the line extensions to analyze our work and identify those mistakes, so we can attempt to adjust our approach on the next page.


2021-12-09 17:44

Thanks for the speedy reply, much appreciated!