Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Left handed question


2021-12-06 17:02


Im a lefty and I do the exercise but I noticed that the instructions say that you wont see your path because your hand is blocking it. Does that mean that I should do the superimposed and most line practices from right to left as opposed to left to right or is the way presented the way I should be doing it?


2021-12-06 18:02

The direction in which you draw is based on what you yourself feel most comfortable - so if you find drawing from left to right, even doing so left handed, to be comfortable and natural to you, then that's fine.


2021-12-07 06:03

Im a lefty. Just started lesson 1 yesterday.

For the lines, I did several sets each way. Left to right became less comfortable the closer I got to the bottom of the paper.


2021-12-11 21:08

I just started the first excercise and I noticed that if I go left to right while trying to use my shoulder joint, that my arm will quickly run into my body, forcing me to finish the line with my elbow and causing more of a curve at the end. This is especially true at the bottom of the page. I think I'll try right to left from now on, especially for longer lines.


2021-12-08 11:11

A suggestion.. maybe watch the video in a little to reverse it