Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Anyone know how to draw fine detail onto a piece of laminate?


2021-11-29 21:52


I am trying to revise incorrect information which was placed under laminate. Without taking the laminate apart, can I revise this detail by hand using ink that dries correctly on laminate and will not smear? These details are very fine. I tried using a needle and sharpie ink but the tip of the needle did not carry the ink like I thought it would. Thanks for the help!


2021-11-30 01:18

Unfortunately this subreddit is reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com, as explained here. Normally I'd recommend more suitable subreddits, but unfortunately I don't really know what would be appropriate for this question.

You might start by asking over on /r/learnart - they might be able to point you to someone who can help.