Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Advice/tips for lesson three and beyond?


2021-11-28 22:55


Im in lesson three and completed the leaves and branches sections, but now Im kind of stuck in the aftermath. I did a few construction drawings of plants and they just come out seriously bad. I feel almost like I missed something, because drawing the whole plant with its construction feels like such a leap from doing leaves. Does anyone have any advice or should I just keep practicing and eventually Ill get the hang of it? Im just worried I wont be able to move forward into the other lessons if I cant even do plants.


2021-11-28 23:16

Have you attempted to draw along with any of the demonstrations before jumping into your own plant constructions?


2021-11-28 23:23

Yes, I did the daisy one and it was a train wreck on my end. I feel that Im not quite getting how to put all the lessons together for some reason. Should I do the other demonstrations too and then try again?


2021-11-28 23:27

Trying to put the demonstrations into practice on your own is definitely where I'd start. If there's something you're missing however, feedback's the only way to really help figure that out. I'd recommend posting your attempts on our discord chat server, specifically on the #lesson3 channel.


2021-11-28 23:29

Ok Ill try both of those suggestions. Thank you! :)